Looks great! I must say that I was very impressed by the amount of preparation and organisation you put in to training us back in November. Clearly you do this for every course you run! Amazing!
Figen Murray
Martyns Law (Protect Duty)
I have been involved in emergency care within hostile environments for over 25 years and in this time have observed many instructors. What makes the best instructors stand out is, their dedication to a deep understanding of the subject matter, the ability to deliver their knowledge with empathy to the student's needs, and infectious enthusiasm that takes a class on an enjoyable, relevant and informative learning journey. Simon has all these skills in abundance and would not hesitate to recommend his services.
Colin Smart BSc (Hons)
Senior Partner TSG Associates.
Former military, industry and expedition medic.
I have worked with Simon in his medicine training role on many occasions and can personally recommend his skills in this area.
Dr FJ Hall M.B.E
FPHC RCSed MBChB DUMC FIMC Hon Sec Faculty of Pre-Hosptial Care
Thank you. Brilliant training and liked the hands on stuff.
Figen Murray
Martyns Law (Protect Duty)
Thank you, Simon Rogers and Team, as the feedback was brilliant from all the participants
Dr Greg Ward
Performed admirably in the management of trauma casualties. This was especially worthy of note as he was measured against Special Forces operatives.
Capt Moorhouse MTO Hereford
Amazing course.Thank you so much
Clare Booth
Simon is very active in pursuing as much medical training as possible, and I have had the privilege of working with him in operational environments many times and have seen first hand, his actions have saved many lives.
B Lyons McPara Ops Manager
Awesome program Simon. The teams haven’t stopped talking about it
Tim Mundell
Chief Security Officer TRANSGUARD UAE
This was a fantastic day that has helped me enormously. I feel more confident that I would be able to practice Emergency First aid procedures. Thank you
Ruth Murrell